Historical Fiction Australian Fiction Australian Historical Fiction Historical Drama Convict History
"Convict Girl" by Elva Schroeder is a gripping historical novel that delves into the fascinating and tumultuous world of Australian convict history. This paperback edition is a must-have for fans of Australian fiction and historical drama. Set in the 19th century, the book tells the compelling story of a young woman's journey, exploring themes of struggle, resilience, and hope.
As a rare and highly sought-after title, "Convict Girl" is a treasure for collectors and readers alike. This well-preserved paperback copy is in very good condition, boasting clean and tidy pages, a tight binding, and no signs of wear or tear. The absence of writing, dog ears, and smoke damage ensures a pristine reading experience.
Elva Schroeder's masterful storytelling transports readers to a bygone era, immersing them in the lives of Australia's early settlers and convicts. With its richly detailed narrative and well-developed characters, "Convict Girl" is an unforgettable read that will resonate with fans of historical fiction.
This rare find is a valuable addition to any book collection, offering a unique glimpse into Australia's complex past. With its excellent condition and captivating storyline, "Convict Girl" is an absolute must-have for anyone interested in Australian history, fiction, or historical drama.
Refer to our eBay listing for a full condition report and many more high-quality pictures of this item.